Monday, January 5, 2009

The Gunner Grill

OK, GW came home from work today, scanned the Pirate boards, and saw that once again, the new suits were sitting tight, waiting for someone to pay them for the privilege of playing baseball in Pittsburgh. What's a blogger to do for inspiration?

And hey, then it hit us. Time to give our much appreciated readers a little pop quiz on some Bucco history. And who better to be our back-in-the-day subject than the ol' Gunner, Bob Prince? Match the Gunnerism to its meaning:

"Bug On The Rug"
a) a crazed, dancing Pirate fan;
b) a gap shot scooting to the wall on TRS's astro-turf
c) an ant marching through your living room towards the kitchen.

"Radio Ball"
a) a fastball thrown so hard that you can't see it, but only hear it whoosh by, as in "that one sounded a little low, ump."
b) a waltz music show broadcast by KDKA 1020
c) what you call your transistor when you whip it through the air after the Bucs lose again

"Bloop And A Blast"
a) a short beer followed by a double shot
b) a Pirate game followed by Zambelli fireworks
c) a Texas League single followed by a homer

"Road Runner"
a) Manny Sanguillen's nickname
b) Wile E. Coyote's feathered friend
c) a Plymouth muscle car

a) a classic vacuum cleaner
b) an American president that had no grasp of the economy
c) a double play, usually involving Maz and Dick Groat/Gene Alley

"Open The Window, Aunt Minnie"
a) what Uncle Mickey said when he forgot the door keys
b) Rosey Roswell's home run call (the Gunner's predecessor)
c) what Aunt Minnie did when it was hot outside

"You Can Kiss It Goodbye"
a) the Gunner's home run call
b) what happened to Pirate baseball after Sid Bream scored in 1992
c) what happened to Dave Littlefield's rep when he traded A-Ram

"Can Of Corn"
a) a reel from a Three Stooges film
b) the Jolly Green Giant's bread and butter product
c) an easy fly ball, like the one Matty Alou dropped in 1970

"How Sweet It Is"
a) what Pirate fans thought of the 1909, 1925, 1960, 1971, and 1979 World Series results
b) the Gunner's victory cry after a Bucco win
c) what you say when you realize this post is almost over

"Green Weenie"
a) the Pirate version of the Terrible Towel
b) a seventh inning stretch hot dog
c) an inane baseball blog.

And hey, the other Bucco bloggers are churning out some pretty sweet serial posts to while away the cold days before spring training. Michael at Hyzdu Headquarters is doing Pittsburgh's Ten Greatest Teams, Pat at WHYGAVS is taking the Road To 17, a Pirate chronicle beginning in 1993, and Matt at the Pittsburgh Lumber Company is counting down his Top 25 prospects. Give them a visit.

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