Friday, May 1, 2009

It Never Rains When You Want It To

GW doesn't know what is more excruciating - a visit to the dentist for a root canal, watching Tyler Yates pitch or the 5-6-7-8 Pittsburgh batters.

Yates probably deserved better; Jason Jaramillo was charged with an error on a bunt when his throw went into right field, though it looked suspiciously like Freddy Sanchez may have short-armed the ball. Either way, the building block of the inning was Yate's walk to the second batter after giving up a leadoff single.

Then there's the back end of the Bucco lineup. Brandon Moss - 1 RBI. Eric Hinske - 4 RBI. Andy LaRoche - 8 RBI. Jason Jaramillo - 3 RBI. Brian Bixler - 2 RBI. 212 at-bats, 0 HR, 18 RBI. Heal quickly, Ryan.

Don't look now, but the Pirates were in second place on Monday. Tonight, they're in fifth. It's too soon to cry mama, but if the lumber doesn't start cracking pretty soon...

1 comment:

  1. I gotta believe Moss is damaged goods. He had very serious knee surgery this past offseason, and while everyone put a brave face on things, he's clearly not as effective as he was last year---and last year he was okay, but certainly not great. The idea was that he'd get 400 ABs this season as a semi-regular to see what he could do.

    There's still time for him, of course, provided he is physically sound. But I don't think he is healthy and he may never be healthy going forward.

    If so, that leaves Andy LaRoche, Craig Hansen, and Brian Morris as the return for Jason Bay, and none of them are setting the world on fire. I hope we don't live to regret saying bye bye to Bay.
