Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pirates Made $34.8M In Profits 2007-09

Dejan Kovacevic of the Post Gazette reports that the Pirates made $5.4M in profits last year, $14.4M in 2008, and $15M in 2007.

The limited corporation spent $10.8M paying partner's taxes and another $9.6M was spent on loan interest payments in early 2008.

The details are in Kovacevic's article; we're sure more will be reported as the day goes on, and we will keep you updated. It looks like the Pirates are making a preemptive strike against an AP story (linked below), and their numbers show the money being used for business purposes, and not for lining Bob Nutting's pockets.

-- Alan Robinson's AP article: Pirates Win While Losing
-- Rob Biertempfel's article in the Tribune Review: Pirates Open Books
-- Pittsburgh Pirates: Not Pocketing Profits and Press Release

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