Monday, May 2, 2011

Night Game Fix

-- James McDonald and Aaron Harang are the scheduled starters tonight; game time is 10:15. The match will be broadcast on Root Sports. We don't expect the lineup to be made for awhile yet.

-- The Pirates' three starters for the upcoming series are all from southern California. McDonald is from Long Beach, while Jeff Karstens and Kevin Correia are from San Diego. Correia, of course, came to Pittsburgh after a stint with the hometown Padres.

-- You think the Pirate attack is bad? The Padres were shut out seven times in April, the most shutouts by any Major League team for the month. But don't count your chickens quite yet. San Diego swept the Pirates last year, winning all six games.

-- Eno Sarris of Fangraphs says this about recent pick-up Xavier Paul: "Expect an okay batting average with a handful of steals in the next couple weeks, but it’s unlikely that Paul unseats anyone." He thinks he's a tweener; not enough power for the corner and not enough tools for center.

-- Even if the game is on too late for you, try to catch the the pre-game. San Diego is a red, white and blue military town, and the Padres plan to open their homestand with special tribute to the military and the war on terrorism.

We'd expect at least one of the more rousing National Anthems ever sung. The home team will wear their camo uni's to commemorate bin Laden taking his long-overdue swim with the fish. The club is also giving out two free tickets to all military folk, both active and retired.

-- In a bit of sweet irony, the Pirates visited the Navy Seal center in San Diego today. We'd wager that their tour guide had an ear-to-ear grin this morning when he greeted the club.

-- Brad Lincoln is pitching for Indy tonight. He has an ungodly ERA of 7.17, although his peripheries are solid - 1.13 WHIP, best among the Tribe starters, and a 19/2 K-to-W ratio in 21-1/3 innings. We'd guess the four long balls he's surrendered have been big blasts.

-- The Altoona Curve are offering all military members - active and retired - free tickets to their games for the next three nights.

-- 23 year old RHP Kyle McPherson, a surprise addition to the 40-man roster earlier in the year, will pitch for Bradenton tonight. So far he's 1-1 with a 2.78 ERA, a WHIP of 0.90, and an amazing 30/1 K-to-W ratio in 35-2/3 frames of work.

-- Jameson Taillon makes his second start for West Virginia tonight.


  1. Loved the line about bin Laden taking a swim! Killing him is quite a tribute to the training, effectiveness and dedication of the US armed forces. How long those forces will continue to be effective is something I often wonder about for various reasons, though they are beyond the scope of this blog. But knowing that you are yourself a veteran, Ron, I'll tell you that I wouldn't mind corresponding about some things at some point.

    Anyhoo, I think the blurb about Paul is on the money. I guess he's here more as a glove and speed guy than he is anything else, but I just don't see where he is so superior to a guy we already have on hand in Presley. I. Just. Don't.

    Very strange statistical line for B-Rad at Indy. Hopefully it's a momentary fluke caused, as you suggest, by a few too many early season bombs. I haven't given up hope with him, but it's fair to say his clock is ticking. I think he has to have a strong year in Triple-A or he's headed for journeyman status.

  2. As far as Paul or Presley, I know both can fill a spot that the team needs, an OF'er with wheels. I'm glad to see the suits quit playing the option game for a change and actually start building a club that's 25 men deep.

    I was airborne, Will, and we bow to SEALs and Special Forces generally (except over a brew, of course!). Those guys are always on top of their game, and they don't play small ball.

    And I wouldn't worry too much about their future; I think the budget ax will fall on the infantry guys in the Army and Marines. We grunts get no love!

    The Pentagon would rather have a drone than a company of boots.
