Monday, May 30, 2011

Rumor Mill - Pearce, Dewey to DL; Brown, Harrison Up

Ok, the rumor mill (fueled by Dejan Kovacic's tweet) has both Steve Pearce and Ryan Doumit going on the DL, with C Dusty Brown (.263/6/19) and IF Josh Harrison (.321/2/11) getting the call to the show. If you're wondering, usual reserve C Jason Jaramillo has an elbow injury, so he's not available.

One of them will get the one open spot on the 40-man, and DK predicts that Ohlie will go on the 60-day DL to clear another space, so the remaining warm bodies on the 25-man roster should be safe.

We'd guess that Pearce and Dewey will both land on the 15-day DL, unless their injuries are more serious than they appear at first blush. Both will probably be further examined in Pittsburgh on Tuesday. Pearce has a strained calf and Doumit suffered a sprained ankle.

It's frustrating not just to the team, but the players. Dewey was hitting .269/4/15 and having a fairly solid year, while Pearce (.291/1/10) was getting a chance to get some regular at-bats and taking advantage. His injury is eerily similar to the situation he had last year, when he was getting steady time and doing well at first before leg injuries derailed his season.

The moves sound kosher enough to pass along; the FO should make it official later today.

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