Saturday, February 1, 2014

2/1: A quiet day - Rosey Rowswell, Cecilio Guante, Stolmy, Rube Waddell...

A quiet day - Rosey Rowswell, Cecilio Guante, Stolmy, Rube Waddell...

  • February 1, 1884 - Pirate announcer Rosey Rowswell was born in Alton, Illinois (although raised in Tarentum). In 1936, he joined KDKA as a Pirate broadcaster, and remained there until his death in 1955. His last on-air partner was Bob Prince from 1948-54, who called Rowswell his mentor. Rosey was an unabashed homer, and known for his home run call of “Open the window, Aunt Minnie, here she comes” followed by the sound of shattering glass. 

 Rosey Rowswell from Wikipedia

  • February 1, 1960 - P Cecilio Guante was born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The righty was a bridge guy for Pittsburgh for five seasons (1982-86) and went 13-17-20/3.06 in that role before being traded to the Yankees as part of the Doug Drabek deal. 
  • February 1, 1990 - Happy B-Day to Stolmy Pimentel, who was born in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. He's 23 today.
  • While unrelated to the date, Dayn Perry of Eye on Baseball has a piece on one of baseballs truly eccentric figures, Rube Waddell, who pitched for the Pirates at the turn of the century.

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