Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3/18: Nixey, Elbie, Dick Littlefield, Brian Fisher...

Nixey, Elbie, Dick Littlefield, Brian Fisher...

  • 1874 - Pirate skipper Jimmy “Nixey” Callahan was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Callahan was the Buc manager in 1916 and part of 1917, never sniffing the first division and replaced midway through his second year by Honus Wagner after compiling an 85-129 record at the helm. 

Jimmy "Nixey" Callahan - Image from TheDeadballEra.com

  • 1916 - 1B Elbie Fletcher was born in Milton, Massachusetts. He played first for Pittsburgh for seven seasons (1939-43, 1946-47) with two years off during WW2. Elbie put together a line of .279/79/616 as a Bucco, and was an All-Star in 1943. 
  • 1926 - LHP Dick Littlefield was born in Detroit. The journeyman southpaw worked from 1954-56 for some pretty sad Pirate teams and put up a 15-23 record with a 4.29 ERA. 
  • 1962 - RHP Brian Fisher was born in Honolulu. A second round draft pick of the Yankees, the Bucs traded for him in 1987. He was a workmanlike starter for two years, but suffered from arm problems in 1989 and was released by Pittsburgh after a Bucco line of 19-22/4.72 ERA.

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